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Weather on map



Weather now
Weather forecast for 5 days with a 3-hour intervals
Click on the "5 days"! Check the weather forecast for 5 days with a three-hour interval!
Weather Forecast for 10 days
Click on the "10 days"! Learn average forecast for 10 days!

Яхт-Ком предлагает новый сервис для яхтсменов и посетителей сайта – прогноз погоды «Клик-по-карте».

Вы можете выбрать любую точку на планете и посмотреть текущую погоду в выбранном месте.

Нажав на кнопку «5 дней» Вы получите  прогноз на 5 дней с трехчасовым интервалом.

Нажав на кнопку «10 дней»  Вы получите  среднесуточный прогноз на 10 дней.

В описание погоды входит температура, облачность, влажность, давление, скорость и направление ветра.
+2 28.01.2014 in 12:22

Weather on the map

"Weather on the map" - a service for information on weather data and forecast now for 5 and 10 days. Service on the basis of data «Open Weather Map».
In order to find out the weather in the right place, you can "click" with your left mouse buttons on the map, or enter in the search box desired city.
Service "weather map" can be used for informational purposes only and may not be used for safety or navigation.

Under the map raspolozhny search form object on Katre and two switches with which you can display or hide on the map icons clouds and temperature.
Below are three blocks: the current weather information at the selected point, the table with the forecast for 5 days with a three-hour intervals and the table with the average forecast for 10 days.
The tables are filled with the forecast after clicking on the appropriate buttons "5 Days" or "10 days".
Using the service "weather map" You can always check the temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction and wind speed.

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