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Virtual regattas Yacht_Com


Virtual regattas Yacht-Com


"Virtual Regatta" - the service to get information about online regattas Yacht-Com.

Service "Virtual Regatta" may be used for informational purposes only, but it can not be used for safety or navigation.


On the map is possible to see all spots virtual regattas.

Choosing the regatta on the map or in a list, you can see the name, description of the route, distance, date starts all editions, route map with the general rate.

To select the list are two "Active regattas" and "Archive regattas."

Selected regatta on the map is highlighted in green ground icons.

All regattas Yacht-Com periodically repeated. According to the information in the "Editions" can be understood when in future start selected regatta.


The button with the point on the map of selected places in the regatta center of the map.

Color icons on the map indicates the status of regattas.

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