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Virtual Regatta July 2015


Yacht-com.ru invites all lovers of sailing to take part in virtual online regattas. In July of 2015 will be launched four online sailing races "Corsica 2015", "La Perouse Strait 2015" , "Cape of Good Hope 2015" and "Cape Horn2015".


In virtual regattas Yacht-Com can participate anybody, we need only to register for free on the site yacht-com.ru and desire to win.
The regattas set individual start, available 5 waypoints, automatic change of sails and automatic tracking point of sail.
Option "Sail PRO" available after the payment - the cost of 20 YCM.
Plan ascent online - regatta can be given the forecast wind for three days in advance with an interval of 12 hours. Map online regatta scaled to 10 variants of detail.
Each rider chooses the optimal route of the checkpoints, considering the wind, shoreline and signs.

July 8, 2015 start Yacht-Com regatta  "Corsica 2015", the participants will go 250 miles - around Corsica.

Option "Sail PRO" available after the payment - the cost of 20 YCM.
The regatta is set common start.

Yacht-Com regatta  "Corsica 2015"

July 15, 2015 start of the Yacht-Com regatta  "La Perouse Strait in 2015"  the participants will go 160 miles - Nevelsk ♦  i.Moneron  Korsakov.

Option "Sail PRO" available after the payment - the cost of 20 YCM.
The regatta features individual start.

 Yacht-Com regatta  "La Perouse Strait in 2015"

July 22, 2015 start of the  Yacht-Com regatta  "Cape of Good Hope 2015" the participants will walk 50 miles - Cape Town  • Cape of Good Hope • Kalk Bay.

Option "Sail PRO" is available free of charge.
The regatta features individual start.

Yacht-Com regatta  "Cape of Good Hope 2015"

July 30, 2015 start of the Yacht-Com regatta "Cape Horn 2015", the participants will go 180 miles - Picton Island  ♦ Cape Horn  Island Picton.

Option "Sail PRO" is available free of charge.
The regatta features individual start.

Yacht-Com regatta "Cape Horn 2015"


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